Tempeh has been a popular food in Indonesia for over 800 years. It is made from fermented soybeans and is a highly nutritious food and an excellent source of protein. It is also a highly versatile basic ingredient being used in many different ways and in a multitude of recipes.
'Doctor Tempeh' has set up the first genuine Indonesian tempeh factory in the UK. So authentic are these products that every stage of the process has been personally supervised to meet the highest standards of quality and hygiene. Our soybeans are sourced from certified local farmers accepting only non-GM soybeans.
'Doctor Tempeh' has set up the first genuine Indonesian tempeh factory in the UK. So authentic are these products that every stage of the process has been personally supervised to meet the highest standards of quality and hygiene. Our soybeans are sourced from certified local farmers accepting only non-GM soybeans.

Serving suggestion of our Tempeh Curry, ready to serve, just heat and add rice and salad.
Fermented into pure white tempe (tempe is the Indonesian spelling) this tempeh is the only one of its kind and quality both inside and outside of Indonesia.
The first in our range of REAL JAVANESE tempeh is 'Tempeh Curry', made to a traditional recipe locally known as gulai. The sauce is made from local market fresh spices; lemon grass, kafir lime leaves, coconut, coriander, red chillies, galangal root, and cooked with salam leaves for their unique flavor.
This is not an instant sauce, it is all hand made and cooked prior to canning to lock in the flavours with the chunks of tempeh. Enjoy it! It is the only one of its kind outside of the country unless you travel to Indonesia to find it yourself!

Chunks of tempeh in curry sauce with additional coconut cream added.
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